Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Easiest Rice Paper Rolls

Rice paper rolls are so easy to make- it seems kind of stupid that I would blog about it. However, I think it is important to remind people about them because you can put anything inside of them and they are great when you literally have nothing in your refrigerator except for some random vegetables- like what happened to me last night!

Ingredients: (the random veggies I had)
- mushrooms
- snow peas
- green pepper

- gluten-free teriyaki sauce
- rice paper rolls

- stir-fry the veggies in olive oil, add teriyaki sauce and simmer! done

Rice paper rolls look and feel like paper when you buy them. To soften them, place them in warm (not hot) water for 7 seconds. They will immediately soften up and you can place the veggies onto them, then just roll up and eat!
Enjoy! Simple and Nutritious. 

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